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Professor Idris Bedirhanoglu, Academic Visitor


Idris Bedirhanoglu

Academic Visitor


Prof. Dr. Idris Bedirhanoglu studied for his PhD at Istanbul Technical University and at Purdue University. He was Research Assistant at Istanbul Technical University (2002-2007), Visiting Researcher at Purdue University (2007-2008), Assistant and Associate Professor at Dicle University (2010-2018), a Research Scientist at New York University Abu Dhabi (2019-2020), Professor of Structural Engineering at Dicle University in 2023 and currently he is visiting Professor at Mansfield College of Engineering at Oxford University.

Over 20 years of experience in academia his research has been focused on behaviour of reinforced concrete and masonry structures under earthquake loads. His research also focuses on seismic design, assessment, mitigation and retrofitting of existing structures. He is the author/co-author of more than 50 journal (SCI or SCIE) or international conference papers and a co-author of five book chapters. He is associate editor of some journals such as M. of J. of World Architecture and Engineering News (2014-2016), Dicle Univ, Engineering Journal, and he is also a reviewer of more than 20 journals (SCI or SCIE).

He has served as the head of the structural engineering laboratory (2010-2018). His main research interests include seismic design and evaluation of RC and historical structures, retrofitting of buildings with FRP composites or textile fibers, recycling concrete, non-destructive testing, fuzzy logic and finite element analysis. Besides academia he is skilled in structural analysis, particularly in evaluation of existing structures and retrofitting design. As well, he has provided consultancy to more than 100 industrial projects. He is also a shareholder of the Technology Firm StruConGeo Engineering and Consultancy Ltd.

Awards and Prizes

Best paper award 2009: Ilki, A., Demir, C., Bedirhanoglu, I., Kumbasar, N. "Seismic Retrofit of Brittle and Low Strength RC Columns using Fiber Reinforced Polymer and Cementitious Composites", Journal of Advances in Structural Engineering, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp.325-347, 2009 [BEST PAPER AWARD-2009]. DOI: 10.1260/136943309788708356

Research Interests

His research interest is to understand the seismic behavior of existing RC and masonry structures. His research is also focused on developing alternative retrofitting techniques for deficient structures.

Related Academics


  • Bedirhanoglu I., Ilki, A., and Triantafillou, T. “Seismic Behavior of Repaired and Externally FRP Jacketed Short Columns Built with Extremely Low-Strength Concrete” ASCE Journal of Composites for Construction. Vol. 26, No.1, pp.04021068-1-20, 2022. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)CC.1943-5614.0001179.
  • Santiago Pujol, Idris Bedirhanoglu, Cemalettin Donmez, Jeffrey D. Dowgala, Meltem Eryilmaz-Yildirim, Kari Klaboe, Fahri Baran Koroglu, Rémy D. Lequesne, Baki Ozturk, Liam Pledgera, Egemen Sonmez (2023). Quantitative Lessons from the Earthquake Sequence that Affected South-East Turkey in 2023. Earthquake Spectra (Accepted for publication).
    Bedirhanoglu, I. Retrofitting of Shear Compression Failure-Critic Short Columns with a New Technique. Buildings 2022, 12(12), 2266. 
  • Saritaş, Fevzi, Idris Bedirhanoglu, Arova Konak, and Mehmet Salih Keskin. 2023. "Effect of Seismic Isolation on the Performance of High-Rise Buildings with Torsional Instability" Sustainability 15, no. 1: 36.
  • Deveci, T. & Bedirhanoğlu, İ. (2022). University Students’ Positive and Negative Perceptions of Lifelong Learning: A Metaphoric Analysis. Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Eğitim Dergisi, ID: 1038478, . DOI: 10.52597/buje.1038478